Saturday, September 27, 2008


He wasn't a bad guy. He's was just like anyone else - he came with his weaknesses. Time and time again, he gave in. And when I found out, I gave up. 

But, I don't want to take away from the three great years we've spent together. If he hadn't loved me, he could have taken any opportunity to move on. If he hadn't loved me, he wouldn't be hurting so much, right now. 

At the end of this, I'm thankful and sad. 

I'm thankful for all my fabulous friends who've stood by me through everything. They've made it so much easier for me. I just hope that someday I'm able to be there for them the same way. 

I'm sad that he doesn't have the same. Through this tough time, he's been alone. It's been much harder for him than it has been for me. I hope that he finds the peace and strength to deal with it and move on. 

As for myself, I just hope that I find a way to fill the emptiness that I still feel. I know it is going to be hard. But, I also know I'll make it.