Monday, September 22, 2008

when the stars go blue

I'm not happy with where things stand as of now, but he is. I want more from life, and he has all that he wants. I don't want ordinary anymore. I want extraordinary. This is his extraordinary. I am not willing to step down on my expectations and he isn't willing to step it up. So, that makes us two people who love each other, but want very different things from life. 

Now, we're on a break to figure out what we want for ourselves, and then to see if we can still work it out. I know I'm doing the right thing by taking this time off. I need some perspective and this is possibly the only way I'll get close to getting it. But it isn't easy and it certainly doesn't feel right.

If it doesn't feel right, have we still made the right decision?


Darshini Santhanam said...

I haven't been able to get anything done, today. This is really so much harder than I thought.

Vaishali Sabhahit said...

Darsh, you look really nice in this pic...